Winter landscapes

Winter in south oz is charecterized by glorious sunny days with cloudscapes to fantasize about and temperatures that require beanies, gloves fingerless and scarves…these will be interspersed with grey, rainy and windy days…days better off spent inside by the fire reading a good book.


Taken through my front window latish on a cold and rainful day……


Taken on a bike ride not far from my house …a great egret taking off. Oh for a better lens ! It was  somewhat shy of my attempts to photograph….

More of sojourn on KI


These gorgeous entities are everywhere …often in family groups nestled in amongst the gum trees. They say they only grow a couple of cms a year.


They are remarkably hardy plants able to survive the fiercest of bushfires…..their symmetry leaves me open mouthed at times.


They are prolific and after a bushfire  you can see them pushing up through the soil along the sides of the road…any cleared space really.